Science, also known as natural science and isn’t to be confused with social science, is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world, using empirical evidence and the scientific method. It typically involves controlled experiments, observation, and measurement to develop and test theories about the natural world. It has several main categories, including:

  1. Physical Science: the study of the natural world, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, and earth science.
  2. Life Science: the study of living organisms, including biology, zoology, botany, and genetics.
  3. Mathematical Science: the study of mathematical concepts, principles, and methods, including mathematics, statistics, and computer science.
  4. Health Science: the study of human health and well-being, including medicine, nursing, and public health.
  5. Engineering Science: the application of scientific principles to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, devices, and systems.

These main categories are not mutually exclusive, and many scientists work in interdisciplinary fields that combine elements of multiple categories. For example, biochemistry is a field that combines elements of both biology and chemistry.

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Stuff I still need to write about:

  • induction vs. deduction

1 item under this folder.