🔹 Sunday 🔹 January 7th 🔹 2024 🔹

Peace begins with a smile.

— Mother Teresa




due on 2024-01-07
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due on 2024-01-07
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New Tasks


Morning Journal

[Morning Gratitude :: ] [Daily Intention :: ]


[Wake Early :: ➖] [Meditate :: ➖] [Exercise :: ➖] [Plan Next Day :: ➖]

Evening Journal

[Evening Gratitude ::] [Do Better :: ]


  • [17:23] A lot has happened today and at the same time, not much.
    • We didn’t go to church, but we attended online. Pastor Brian Pettrey spoke about contentment and how to raise God and lower ourselves. His sermon wasn’t bad, guess he’s growing on me.
    • Malkiya was crying because she was under burnout and didn’t know how to fix it, but I offered to help her and she accepted it.
      • I found a way to talk to her when she’s upset, it seems like if she doesn’t visibly see me, or if I’m not staring at her, she speaks for freely.
    • I did a whole session speaking about burnout and how to prevent it through organization and mental relaxation. I also found a few supplementary videos.