• Evaluate the speech, “This Breed Called Americans” at the end of Ch. 5. Explain whether the speech accomplished the six points of an effective opening. 📅 2024-09-12 🏁 delete
  • Of the types of openings, which do you think you will use for your Informative Speech and why? 📅 2024-09-12 🏁 delete
  • According to Ch. 6, there is a push to put a fresh spin on a “well-worn” topic, take your topic for your informative speech, and list three ways that you could put a new twist in the opening of your topic. 📅 2024-09-12 🏁 delete

There are six points to an effective opening: establish a common ground between the speaker and the audience, set the tone for the speech, reinforce or establish the speaker’s credibility, arouse interest in the subject, take as much advantage of “the speaker’s grace period” as possible, and segue smoothly into the topic. Of these six points, President Ronald Reagan used four in his inaugural address on January 20, 1981.

President Reagan began his speech by thanking special officials, and giving a special mention to President Carter for his part in ensuring that the transition process goes smoothly for the nation.

He then goes on to address the nationwide inflation that was the longest one that the United States had suffered up to that point.