
Status: pending

Last year, I started researching the arguments for homosexuality in the Bible. I had heard a lot of people saying that the Bible supported homosexuality, and I believed they were wrong, but I had no evidence to back up my claim. So, for my research paper that semester, I wrote an essay analyzing homosexuality through a biblical lens. Now, this year, I want to continue the series by examining the second branch of the LGBT+ community, transgenderism.

What is a Godly Government?

Status: pending

This year, I read a book titled |God and Government that gave me a lot of insight into how God intended government to be. Everyone has their own idea about how the government should be run, but few can tell you why their way is beneficial, how to implement their method, and the long term outlook. In the Bible, God laid out His government design and as the Creator, He would know how His creation works and the best system needed to compliment it. The Bible gives us the answers to questions like, what is a government? Are there different types of governments? Which type is better? What should I do when my government does something wrong? If I wrote an essay on this subject, those would be some of the questions I answer.


Status: finished

What is feminism? It started as equal rights for women and then turned into giving women more rights and protections. The biggest question today regarding the subject is did it go too far? As Christians, it’s important that we know what the Bible has to say about a topic before we engage in it and pick sides, yet most female Christians will accept the label of feminist without opening their Bibles. In today’s world, there is an increasing attack on women and their rights, but before we call out for the feminists to wake up, we need to take a moment and consult the Bible first. Once we’ve done that, we need to understand what it means to truly be a feminist and align that with what the Bible calls females to be. Only then can we choose to say, “I am both a Christian and a feminist.”