⬅ August 29th | Week 35 | August 31st ➡

The only Zen you find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there.

— Robert M. Pirsig

INPUT[progressBar(title(Proudness), minValue(0), maxValue(10)):proudness]


Goals for this Week

Link to original

Habit Tracker

Writing: INPUT[toggle:writing] Stretch: INPUT[toggle:stretch] Reading: INPUT[toggle:reading]


happens 2024-08-30
short mode


23:54 :LiArrowBigRight: Just came back from laundry. I’m tired, it’s late, and I didn’t get to play Valorant 😭

Work Log

23:55 :LiArrowBigRight: Finished chapter 1 of The Art of Speaking
