Guest Speaker Frank Lorenzo

Always be ready to write down what the Spirit prompts you to.

1 And calling His twelve disciples to Him, Jesus gave them authority over unclean spirits, so that they could drive them out and heal every disease and sickness.

Think of this, Judas Iscariot was given this power too. He had the ability to cast out spirits and heal others, yet he didn’t heal himself. Isn’t it amazing that we can be so close to Christ, yet spiritually dead. How is this possible? How can we have this power to heal others but fail to use it in our own lives.

Despite our own selves, God still uses us. God actively chooses the weak and broken things to shame the strong and the put-together. No one is too sinful for God to use.

Sometimes success can blind us, disable us, and turn us away from the goals we set out with in the beginning. Always be aware of how your success, or blessings, is altering your view. Every time you see success and blessings in your life, does it point you to Christ or yourself?

How easy it is for us to look at others and analyze their lives, but be totally oblivious to our own life.

  1. Always take time to examine your life and see what you are missing.

Do you need to add a dash of grace? What about a splash of love? How often are you reflecting Christ to others? This may not be easy, but it is necessary to do.

  1. Let the Spirit of God examine you.

There are times when we can be blind to our own blindness. Sometimes we have trouble with self-examination. Reach out to the Spirit. Reach out to those close to you. Take a moment to humble yourself and truly listen to the criticism.

Judas was at the Last Supper, he was invited there; but he missed the most special, intimate moment. Judas wanted to do what Judas wanted and that took precedence over what the Lord wanted. He was given the same opportunity as the other disciples, yet he was blinded by his desires and missed out on his blessing.

Are you like Judas? Have you missed on blessings because you were focused on yourself instead of God? Take a moment, reflect, ask God, and listen. Take inventory of what you have and what you need. Write it down and meditate on it. Pray daily that God will take away what you don’t need and give you what you do.