Pergamum was an extremely pagan city, even Jesus wrote that it contained “Satan’s throne” (Revelation 2:13). The most famous altar in the world, the altar of Zeus, was built here on top of the Acropolis. The city itself received special favor from Rome because they helped Rome take down other East Mediterranean kings. Rome turned Pergamos into their provincial capital, and it became a major cultural hub with a library that rivaled the one in Alexandria. And despite all that was going on around them, there were some Christians who stayed firmly focused on Jesus and the Gospel message. However, some of the church members followed false teachings and compromised both religiously and morally.

The message for Pergamum can be summoned up with two commands–maintain a distinct identity and speak the truth in love. It’s hard to stay focused on Jesus when everyone around you is living it up and doing “cool” things. What our flesh would love to do is normalize that worldly behavior and let false teachings sneak into our theology, but we need to stay close to God’s Word and stay separate from the world (Romans 12:2; 1 Corinthians 15:33). Instead of focusing on all the seemingly fun yet sinful things that unbelievers are doing, think about “hidden manna” Jesus has for you and the “white stone” in His kingdom with your special name on it (Revelation 2:17).