⬅ August 3rd | Week 32 | August 5th ➡

I have often regretted my speech, never my silence.

— Publilius Syrus

INPUT[progressBar(title(Proudness), minValue(0), maxValue(10)):proudness]


happens 2024-08-04
short mode


28 Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

  • “Come to Me…”—an action that requires you to leave somewhere to go somewhere else.
    • It can be physical—all the disciples left something behind to follow Jesus.
    • Or spiritual—leave your sinful lives and whatever traditions you have and follow Jesus.
    • Jesus didn’t say come to church or to a cathedral, He said “come to Me.”
  • “… All of you…”—it doesn’t matter what sex, race, country, class, or history you have, Jesus wants you.
  • “… who are weary…”—participating in this rat race called life and make us so exhausted and fed up with everything.
  • “…and burdened…”—we are all carrying weights that make life even more difficult and complicated.
    • examples of burdens include death, finances, and secret lives.
  • “… and I will give you rest.”—aka tranquility, peace, silence, freedom, etc. Now take those words and add “indescribable” and “perfect.” That’s the kind of “rest” Jesus is speaking of.

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Goals for this Week

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Writing: INPUT[toggle:writing] Stretch: INPUT[toggle:stretch] Reading: INPUT[toggle:reading]
