β¬… πŸ”Ή Tuesday πŸ”Ή January 2nd πŸ”Ή 2024 πŸ”Ή ➑

In action a great heart is the chief qualification. In work, a great head.

β€” Arthur Schopenhauer




due on 2024-01-02
priority is high
short mode


due on 2024-01-02
priority is below high
short mode

New Tasks


Morning Journal

[Morning Gratitude :: ] [Daily Intention :: ]


[Wake Early :: βž–] [Meditate :: βž–] [Exercise :: βž–] [Plan Next Day :: βž–]

Evening Journal

[Evening Gratitude ::] [Do Better :: ]


  • First time trying Logseq. I like that it uses outlines and I can’t get distracted trying to customize things. Oh, and it’s FOSS, of course.
  • So there is some customization, but not a lot. Everything is pretty simple.
  • At some point, I need to figure out how to export pages. I might have to use Pandoc on my client instead of through the app.