• We met on
  • Favorite color(s): black, red, gold.
  • He likes the trident symbol because it stands for leadership and power.
  • Let’s make a hat for him and put a trident on it. He says he would love it and that would be the best gift ever.
  • Likes Venus fly traps
  • Good listener
  • Doesn’t like surprises
  • Watermelon
  • Desserts
    • Caramel
    • Pie: sweet potato, pumpkin
    • Ice cream: cookies & cream
    • Pudding: chocolate, vanilla
    • Doesn’t like cake, only ice cream cake
  • Rib-eye steak

How Does God Speak Through Him?

Honestly, I’ve had a lot of trouble finding one word to describe Kieron, none of them seem to strongly convey my view of him. My first thought is that he’s dependable. I’ve never been able to depend on someone to be there for me, to support me, besides God. And then there’s the way he always finds a way to help me chill out. Even talking to him is refreshing because I can say anything, and he just takes it. When I yell, he tells me to calm down and stop raising my voice at him. And, sometimes when I curse, he tells me to be better than that. I never get offended either. There’s never a moment when I feel like I need to hide or pretend to be someone else; I can always just be myself without fear that he’s going to manipulate me. I guess that’s my favorite thing about him, I can be free with him.

It’s all still a jumble in my head, and I still feel like I’m missing something; but that’s a start.