
11 English

11.01 Literature

The study of written works, including fiction, non-fiction, and drama.

11.02 Grammar

The study of the rules and structure of a language, including syntax, punctuation, and grammatical categories.

11.03 Writing

The process of creating written work, including essays, research papers, and creative writing.

11.04 Speaking and Listening

The study of effective communication through spoken language, including public speaking, presentations, and group discussions.

11.05 Vocabulary

The study of word meanings, origins, and spelling.

12 Social Science


[!user] 12.01 Anthropology The study of human societies and cultures, both past and present.

[!industry] Economics The study of how individuals, businesses, and societies make choices about allocating resources to meet their needs and wants.

[!note] Political Science The study of political systems, institutions, and behaviors.

13 Science


[!planet] 13.01 Life science

[!math] 13.02 Mathematics

14 Foreign Language

15 Humanities


[!bible] 15.01 Religion

[!fingerprint] 15.02 Philosophy

[!note] 15.03 History

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