🌲 Prose
Any form of written language that is written like everyday speech can be known as prose. In my free time, I like to write my own type of prose, including poetry, short stories, and other fiction.
- 🌲 Videos and Tips
- 🌲 Poetry
- 🌲 Nonfiction
- 🌲 Rants
- 🌲 Essays
- 🌲 Affirmations
- 🌲 Misc.
- 🌲 Fiction
- 🌲 Light in the Shadows
- 🌿 Why Is Chemistry So Hard?
- 🌿 Romans 8 Affirmation
- 🌿 Looking Through Two Lenses Part 2
- 🌿 Discussing Sex in the Church
- 🌿 Coyote
- 🌿 Chapter 1
- 🌱 Outline for Lights in the Shadows, Book 1
- 🌱 Invisible Scars
- 🌱 Fear and envy, what a pair
- Why Did God Take My Daddy From Me?
- Today
- Seraphina Vantus, the Scorpion Queen
- Quiet
- Prayer is a weapon...
- Empress Lyriana Aurelia, the Jewel of the Celestial Throne
- Elara Drakenwood, the Dragon Empress
- Lord Arion Thorne, Warlord of the Ashen Wastes
- Aric Shadowbane, the Veiled Rider of the Blackwood