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🌿 Romans 8 Affirmation

Today I read Romans 8 and saw so many promises and encouraging words that I was compelled to write them down and share. I encourage you to affirm these over yourself and your loved ones.

I am “free from the law of sin and death” (v. 2)

What more needs to be said? As Christians, we are no longer labeled by our sins and condemned to death.

I am spiritually minded and full of life and peace (v. 6)

The Spirit of God now dwells in my mind and gives me life and peace. Nothing can take away my peace as long as I continue to let the Spirit dwell in my mind. Also, this life and peace shines through me and touches others. More on this a little later.

I am adopted by God. I am His heir and Christ is my brother (v. 15-17)

Scream it from the roomtops, I are a child of God! Christ Jesus Himself considers me His sister/brother. I am in line to inherit all that God has for me.

The sufferings I experience now cannot be compared to the glory that will be revealed in me (v. 18)

This is a big one for me. Those who have, or are currently, suffering so much they feel like they can’t handle all the weight, imagine all the glory that is being revealing in you and through you. I have always been a little surprised when I walked into a place, barely interracted with people, stayed for a few minutes, and still managed to make a big impression on people. Somehow, someone would look at me and come to the conclusion that I am a wonderful person, daughter, granddaughter, and friend. They would say things like my smile is so bright, or when I greeted them they felt so loved. I never even met some of these people, but they already believed all these things. Do you know why? The glory of God shines through me and touches those who see it. This is true for you as well! Believe it. Embrace it. Live it.

I will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into glorious liberty (v. 21)

This touches back to the last point. Whatever you are going through now, you will be delivered. Whatever sin or addiction you are struggling with, you will be delivered. Whatever abusive situation you are in, you will be delivered. Whatever bondage you are under, you will be delivered in Jesus’ name!

I will continue to hope and wait with perseverance for the time I will meet my Father (v. 25)

Throughout my life, I will continue to look forward, continue to hope, and continue to persue until the moment I will see my Father face-to-face.

I have an Intercessor who speaks for me when I cannot find the words to say (v. 26)

Whenever I m sobbing and can’t even find the words to cry out to my Abba, I know the Holy Spirit knows my heart and speaks for me. When all I can say is “Father!” I know He sees and hears me.

All things will work out to my benefit (v. 28)

No matter what the world looks like or what my situation looks like, I know that it will turn out for my good. When I’m too tired to handle the stress of the day, I will take comfort in knowing that it will all work out to my benefit. Peace will fill me when I look at the chaos of my life and remember that it is all for a purpose and I will come out on top.

I was predestined to be part of this Family (v. 29)

Before I was formed in my mother’s womb, God gave me a destiny. Before my parents even knew each other, I had a destiny. Before my parents were even born, God gave me a name and predestined me. Every version of my life that I can think of would lead me to being a daughter/son of God and a brother of Christ.

I am called, justified, and glorified (v. 30)

God has called me and given me a purpose. He has justified and equipped me for this purpose. He has glorified me so that all will see Him shining through me. I will not worry or doubt when I follow my calling because I know that God has given me all I need for this purpose.

My Father can give me all I ask for (v. 32)

All I ever need to do is ask and believe through faith that God will supply. If I need it, He has already taken care of it. And if I want it, He will give it to me if it’s too my benefit. My Father can control everything in the world, even money, and if I need it, He will give it to me.

Through Him, I am more than a conqueror (v. 37)

This one is powerful. The demons tremble when they see me, even Satan himself hesitates when he sees me for I am a conqueror. I carry the armor of God–the Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of the Gospel of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, and Sword of the Spirit–and nothing can stand against it. The war has already been won, all I need to do is stand against the Enemy’s onslaught of revenge. And I will conqueror every battle, every enemy, every onslaught of the Enamy. I. Will. Win.

And nothing can keep me from the love of God (v. 38-39)

“Neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate [me] from the love of God.” Hallelujah! Nothing can keep me from embracing the full power of my Father’s love. God’s love is there, waiting for me, all I need to do is reach out and touch it. That bond can never be broken by anything, even I can’t destroy the bond of my Father’s love for me.


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