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🌿 Why Is Chemistry So Hard?

Out of all the electives I could take, why did I choose chemistry? And not only did I choose chem, but I also chose Algrebra 2 and a Latin course AND a creative writing course. Why? Because I wasn’t thinking, of course.

Have you ever made a decision that didn’t seem like a big deal at the time but later became a big annoyance and you had to ask yourself how did you not see this coming? I’ve done that soooooo many times, and ever time I ask myself how in the world did I manage to do it AGAIN!. It’s too late to reverse your decision and now you have to somehow figure out how to deal with it and not go crazy. Yup, that’s my life.

This year, instead of taking the minimum amount of courses I needed to finally graduate high school, I chose to take about four electives (if the creative-writing course is an elective… I forgot). At the time, I thought that taking the math course would be good so I could practice, the chemistry course is a pre-requisite for physics (which I am no longer interested in), I always wanted to learn Latin, and I can ace creative writing in my sleep (still true, but the time it takes is a small setback). Again, all of these are absolutely valid reasons to take any of these courses; but none of it was truly necessary and stopped me from completing my goal on time. Now, I behind in both algrebra and chemistry because algrebra takes a while and chemistry is sooooo difficult to process. Oh, and fun fact! I just found out that Algebra 2 and chemistry might actually be AP courses! This would be great if I cared, but I just can’t pull up the right amount of excitement and appreciation. I really want to quit chemistry, I don’t care about the credits.

I think that out of all the electives, I only really needed math and Latin. Why? I’m okay at math, but not great, and I need that for the computer science career I haven’t narrowed down yet. Latin is extremely useful for over a dozen things, including law and medicine as well as a good foundation for many other languages. I haven’t figured out a good reason for me to have taken chemistry (maybe because I really hate it right now) and I didn’t really need to take a creative writing course because I’m already pretty good at that (plus, the internet has a lot of the same stuff for free).

As you can see, out of all the courses the only one that I really wish I could erase is chemistry. There is so much I could do instead of studying chem. I could work on math, write, crochet, practice Latin, find a new TV show, eat, sleep, be happy, the list goes on. In fact, there is so much I could be doing instead of school! But no, here I am spending time on another thing I wish didn’t exist in my life. I’m even spending time to rant about this! Yeah, please remove this from life.

Hey! Past self! If you’re reading this, don’t take chemistry! You are slowing us down, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

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