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🌿 Chapter 1

Coyote watched the young doe sniffing the ground. He looked down at the small figurine and back at the doe. With slight nicks Coyote began forming small circles on the figurine in his hand. He looked back up at the doe and smiled as he caught the female watching him. Coyote showed her the small figurine, “Almost looks like you, doesn’t it?”

The two resumed their tasks and continued to occasionally glance up as if asking for the other’s approval. As Coyote was almost finished with the carving, the laptop inside his home let off an alert to a new post. Coyote stood up and walked inside his small cabin home.

The cabin was mostly one large central room with two floors. Downstairs was the central area where most of one’s time was spent, while upstairs was where one slept and bathed. It was small and minimal, perfect for one lone man.

Coyote walked over to his laptop and opened the new message. A job offer with six digits smiled back at him through the screen. Coyote quickly skimmed through the info before grabbing his phone, jacket, and duffel bag. Time to visit Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

An hour later, Coyote walked into a small abandoned airport and began flight preparations for the small cargo plane that would be carrying him to his destination. Nearly a decade ago, Coyote had discovered the airport while going over a map of the surrounding area, it used to house cargo for a town about ten miles north but had been closed down when the town opened another bigger, more modern closer to the border. Now, it was only used by Coyote to store winter supplies and a cargo plane to carry them.

It didn’t take long before Coyote was guiding the plane onto the runway and lifting her up into the sky. It took another four hours before he landed in a rural airport in the Dominican Republic. The keepers of the airport barely nodded at him and went about their own business. Coyote smiled to himself, it was nice to be able to travel almost anywhere and not be noticed or questioned. The Agency had their hands in nearly everywhere and workarounds for the places they couldn’t reach. You only needed to be a recognized member and all the Agency’s planes, cars, houses, and members were available for your use.

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