Salutations and welcome to my digital garden!

What is that? Well, a digital garden is a curated set of notes, and it’s often shared online for learning and sharing purposes. My garden is mostly full of my school notes, book notes, and whatever type of prose, world, or character I’m working on at the moment. So, yes, it’s always evolving and expanding because I’m tending to it every day.

With that out of the way, just a fair warning, not everything in this garden will make sense to you. There are some sections that are… shall we say, catered to the tastes of a specific group of individuals. Nothing too crazy, of course, but don’t get upset if you wander onto a page chock-full of information that makes absolutely no sense to you. Remember, this is my garden, and it’s primarily for my pleasure, I’m just letting you view it because I like to share my world with curious people and I have this strong tendency to help others.

Any-who, see ya later, alligator!

(P.S. no, I’m not British or a crazy scientist, I’m just a writer who likes to have fun and make people smile. So, yeah, sometimes I talk and act silly just because 😁)